How to Teach Young Students to Debate

Debates are general discussions about specific topics with different people expressing their opinions in a structured manner. And, the validity of their views is what holds more importance. From improving speaking and listening skills. They are a great way to keep young students engaged in critical thinking and teach them how to deal with talking about controversial topics. It also teaches them to strengthen their objective thinking skills along with communication while practicing tolerance and patience.

When we help young students improve their debating skills, we not only make them good speakers but also train them to become great listeners. Also, debates are not a type of speech where students can prepare word for word but have to actively listen to the other side and come up with a response. To help you, here are some tips to teach young students how to debate and exercise good speaking and listening skills.

Tips to Teach Young Students How to Debate

Take a look at some ways in which you can teach young students how to debate and reduce the chances of them being caught off guard.

  1. Researching the Topic

It’s a good idea to tell young students to thoroughly research the topic they are meant to debate on. They should search for useful information that they can use for topics to talk about. This will teach them a skill that they can use in the classroom and in life too. Along with this, knowing how to efficiently conduct research is a great strategy to prepare for a debate. It helps them prepare a balanced and accurate presentation to debate practically and know their stuff.

  1. Thinking Logically and Clearly

When teaching younger children how to debate, it’s vital for them to know how to think logically and clearly to prove their points in a structured manner. You can ask students to make a list of the points and then prioritize the ones they think are more important than others. This will enable them to understand the difference between the points they need to focus on to make their argument and the ones they can do without. It will also go a long way in preparing them to deal with things their opponent might say that they might not have been prepared for. The list ensures they don’t forget the main points and find a way to bring back the importance on the main points.

  1. Knowing the Other Side

Along with researching the topics and creating a list, students should also make sure they find out what their opponent will be arguing about. And, this should be done before the debate with enough time for them to research and find out vital information that will help them prove their point. It’s a good way to come up with rebuttal points and have them ready when they need them. Finding out about what the other side might say, it ensures young students can respond quickly and not be caught off guard.

Teaching young students how to debate is a good way to teach them about new topics as it forces them to learn about new things they might not know of. And, when included in school lesson plans, it can be a fun way to teach students about their next lessons. However, make sure to keep it interesting and fun when choosing topics for them to debate on. And, once you have chosen a suitable one, have students practice the tips mentioned in this blog. It will help them become great public speakers as they grow up, and also become good listeners.
